
Since 2001,

Philippe Drouhin placed his style

From the vines ...

There is work to be done every day in order to present clients with exceptional wines that are representative of our superlative "terroirs" and of the typicity of the Pinot Noir grape variety.

Our vines are grown and tended with a fundamental concern for the land and in tune with the seasons, enabling Nature and "terroir" to fully manifest themselves, all the while adapting ancestral techniques to suit the constraints of today.

Regular between-row tillage, early cluster thinning, thorough leaf removal and picking by hand all contribute to the growth of optimum-quality grapes.

The grapes are systematically sorted before reaching the fermenting vats. 

Governed by the quality of the grapes harvested after an entire year's work, vinification is a meticulous and traditional process carried out in our modern vat hall.

Elegance, power, finesse and aromatic opulence.

Philippe Drouhin imparts his own style, seeking to bring out the best qualities of the grape variety and the typicity of the "terroir", combining elegance, power, finesse and aromatic opulence.

The long, natural process of maturing lasts 18 months in our two-storey vaulted cellars built in 1815.

We use three highly-reputed coopers to supply our new barrels. Our Grand Cru wines are matured in new barrels, our Premier Cru in 50% new barrels and our Villages wines in barrels having served once before.

Once the maturing process is complete, we bottle our wines on the estate without fining or filtering.

A profound commitment to our profession, total stringency and the determination to produce veritable "nectars" contribute to the excellent image enjoyed by the estate, the finest ambassador of which remains "The Wine".

The Family Drouhin

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